think Wynona rider in Betelgeuse!
ok i know there's a tun of how-to's to do your veil but this is my mash of of like 3 days of internet swap drudging.
the youtube vidoe i linked was how i did my outer edge. i did this around all the edges this is the part that takes forever.
i did a swirly design that i cant find the picture of D: but it's simple just tedious. but you can make your whole veil for like 5$ yeah really!
mine was huge like Wynona rider in Betelgeuse. which was my total inspiration.
Key West Witch favorited Black Goth Wedding Veil 26 Jun 08:10
Ash A. favorited Black Goth Wedding Veil 24 Apr 19:14
Mz.Green Eyed Beauty favorited Black Goth Wedding Veil 13 Apr 10:47
IrkenZim123 favorited Black Goth Wedding Veil 07 Jun 23:00
VampGoddess favorited Black Goth Wedding Veil 01 May 18:25
Zombie Babe added Black Goth Wedding Veil to All Hallow's Eve 03 Oct 09:41
Raven Beauty favorited Black Goth Wedding Veil 27 May 08:24
Ravenna182 favorited Black Goth Wedding Veil 07 Aug 23:32
Step 1
ok to do this you will need tulle. i bought mine at walmart for like 1$ a yard. i bought like 5 yards but i didnt use half of it. to figure out howmuch you will need measure how long you ant you veil. mine was floor length. yeah poofy! plus i did a top part that goes over your face. to measure this start at where ever your comb will for into your hair. mine was at the top of my head. and then all the way down to however you want it to fall plus a few inches more. these can drape odd so its always easier to trim off excess.
now cut your tulle to these measurements. i wanted super puff veil so i used the whole width of the tulle. you can make yours smaller if you want less puff.
Step 3
now to sew onto your comb you just scrunch up your fabric acordian style and do a blanket stitch around the tulle and the comb.
i would put it on and pin it up and try it on just to adjust how it falls and make sure the front piece isn't to fluffy you might want to use less width. all depends on how you want it to look. oh just make sure you have your hair done how your doing it on the day trust me the hair do makes all the darn difference.
i used some super glue to put down the edges first just so that it didn't go everywhere.
do the long part first then the top. you will want these both to face the same way or it will bunch up funny. even if your pulling it over your face.that black part is a comb by the way >.<
oh and i just used one of those cheep ol hair combs the black ones you can get down the hair isle for like a buck.
also i sewed on some skully beads across the comb but you can't really see them. but the go in a line over the tulle on top. -
Step 4
now did you watch the video? you can skip like 6 min of the beginning cuz she kinda rambles lol. but point is you want to take your tacky glue (i got that from walmart to for like 2$) and your embroidery floss. i used it without unwinding any of it. oh and mine was purple hard to see in the pictures but yeah looked super kewl.
also decide on the pattern you want you can kinda wing swirlies like i did or print something out. if your using a print out i would laminate or cover in packing tape or your glue will muck it up. i don't recommend tracing on your veil with the glue the ink will stain your floss. so lay your pic down n put your veil right over top. now you dont need to fold over your tulle cuz it wont fray but the darker edge mine be kewl.
anyway just draw the design in your glue less is really more here. plus if there's extra glue it will dry clear. make sure you buy clear drying glue! lol
and then lay your thread right over top of it and trim the end. that's it just repeat a gazilion times.
i did all the way around my edges then just trim around your design to finish off.
now to do the face part.
Step 5
try it on and trim it up however you like. i didn't do swirlies on the face piece cuz it was just a it much. but i did glue down some black bling randomly on it. try it on and look smexy!
you are beautiful !