A cute, kawaii ring/brooch :)
After seeing an article in 'make jewellery magazine' about accesories from 'Meow box.com' I was totally inspired to create something similar, cute, kawaii food jewellery. I grabbed my fimo clay and started to make a wearable biscuit with cream, which, suprisingly turned out quite well. I also made some miniture versions of this, as earrings, as well as a chocolate bar with cream necklace, also inspired by this fab website. type into google 'meow box' and it is the first link that comes up. And if you follow my tutorial, or take further inspiration from the website, you can too create cute, unique jewellery. good luck!! :D
Kinhime Dragon favorited Biscuit And Cream Strawberry Ring 21 May 21:40
You Will Need
Step 10
I have added little chocolate flakes to mine, which you can see in the main picture.
Variations:you could make a little wafer to add.
Create some chocolate sauce with liquid clayNow bake in the oven!! when cool, glue on a ring or brooch finding, or add a headpin before baking, so you can make a pendant for a necklace. all done! ^o^
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Hoolllyyyy :)
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Natalia H.
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Thanks for the tute!
i think you can made the prinkles too from sead beads, ooow ooos cute and adorable, i will make this too.!