Fanciful makeup of the bird type.
I realized as I went through the photos that Pheonix colours were not the best choice, as the yellow and gold have a hard time showing up. I apologise. Aslo take note that I forgot my makeup at my friend's house, so am using my little sister's dollar store stuff for the most part. You will get much better results if you have good makeup and more time. This is just a tutorial to get the basics down, enjoy!
Step 2
COLOURS!!! The brighter the better, and it's good to have lots of choice. I'm in a Harry Potter mood so I'm going to choose Pheonix colours. I'd say pick only three or four complimentary colours. I picked chick yellow, dawn orange and burnt orange. (Red would have been choice, but I don't have any on hand.)
Step 24
Ta-da! all done! You're ready for your photo shoot/ costume party/ whatever. (Well, your face is. )
NOTE!! Make sure to scrub this off your face or you will get pimples like you can't believe! Also, the lower the quality of makeup, the longer it will take to get off your face. I used cheap junk and had to scrub for twenty minutes.