This bag took so long, because apparently you will need a million layers of white paint on top of red fabric to stop it looking pink. But then you will iron it, in order to set it and it will turn pink again and you will have to repeat this so many times to get it to stay white (-ish).
But other than that, it's pretty straight forward, stencil the design onto a sqaure of fabric using acrylic paint. Iron it to set the paint. Stitch the design into a bag, and add straps.
Tierra T. favorited Big Bang Theory Tote Bag 18 Oct 01:49
Eleanor entered her project Big Bang Theory Tote Bag to Punchdrunk Panda 06 Aug 20:13
Mickie favorited Big Bang Theory Tote Bag 07 Jul 03:42
Eleanor entered her project Big Bang Theory Tote Bag to Petits Pixels 24 Jun 20:14
ChristaJoy210 favorited Big Bang Theory Tote Bag 26 Jul 20:59
Nicole G. favorited Big Bang Theory Tote Bag 05 Jan 17:15
Eleanor entered her project Big Bang Theory Tote Bag to Evozip Contest 10 Nov 00:13
Sinead F. favorited Big Bang Theory Tote Bag 06 Nov 17:58
Bloody Melody favorited Big Bang Theory Tote Bag 04 Sep 00:00
GSNETart favorited Big Bang Theory Tote Bag 17 Aug 00:58
You Will Need
Eleanor posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

8 projects
this is frikin awesome!!! Bazinga!