Easy turn an old purse strap into a belt
This was part of Project Dollar Store Accessory challenge
http://dollarstorecrafts.com/2011/11/project-dollar-store-accessory-thrifty-challenge-reveal-and-linkup/ and I used a strap and a snap off of the purse to make a belt.
cristinakilljoyway favorited Belt Made From Purse Straps 15 Jan 15:36
Step 1
Cut the straps off of the purse (i cut near the purse and left the hardware on the strap)along with the snaps closure. Measure your waist to determine how big around it needs to be and add 1 inch (include the length of the snap attachment)
You might need to trim off the edge of the strap, or, if wider width needed you would need a purse with two straps, minus the length of the snap attachments, divide that number in half and then add 1 inch to each for seam allowance (Example - if waist was 30 inches, strap was 20 and snap attachment was 1 inch, 30 - 1 = 15 inches + 1 inch = 16 inches for each strap.)