"Beef" And Stout (sensitive) Man Pie
My partner is completely obsessed with home brewing at the moment and he is always on this home brewing forum looking for new recipes, techniques etc. Anyway about a month or so ago he showed me a recipe he found on said forum called "beef and stout man pie" and was saying how good it sounded. Well of course I don't cook with beef but thanks to the wonders of TVP I managed to make something that tasted freakin awesome anyways. So I give you the "beef" and stout pie for the sensitive man.
cristinakilljoyway favorited "Beef" And Stout (sensitive) Man Pie 27 Jan 00:50
You Will Need
Step 1
In a medium saucepan add thyme leaves, onions and garlic to olive oil and brown for a few minutes. Add vegetables and sweat off for 5 mins. Toss TVP in flour and add to saucepan. Brown for a couple of minutes. Add worcester sauce, curry powder and tomato paste. Stir and cool for one minute.
Step 2
Add stock and stout, scraping the bottom of the saucepan with a wooden spoon to remove any build up. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 mins or until vegetables are tender and sauce is thick. (If the sauce thickens but the vegetables are still not tender add a little extra stock or water and continue simmering.) Add salt and cracked pepper to taste. Allow to cool.
Step 3
Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celcuis. Place a sheet of pastry in the bottom of pie tin, trim edges and prick a few holes in the bottom. Place in oven and cook for a few minutes until bottom starts to harden and pastry begins to rise a little. Fill with cooled "meat" mixture and cover with another sheet of pastry, trim and pinch edges, prick top with fork and decorate if desired. Brush with egg, and bake in oven for 15-20mins or until pastry is brown and fluffy.
There you have it. Hope you all enjoy this recipe. It tasted really good and was my first attempt at any kind of pie so I was pretty pleased with the results.