Finally, an amazing baby carrier that you can use until your baby is 35 pounds!
I had my daughter in 2007. I used slings with her, but once she hit about 15 pounds, the slings really killed my back and shoulders. I bought a baby carrier. It was HORRIBLE. I couldn't wear it. It hurt my back so bad. I resorted to just toting her around in her carseat.
When I had my son, I had a dilema. I couldn't put my sons carseat in the shopping cart seat because then she had to walk and she would dart off. I couldnt put her in the seat, and my sons carseat in the basket, or else I had no room for groceries. I had to do something!
So, after a few tries, this is what resulted. And it was a huge hit! People saw me wearing mine, and everyone wanted one! So, I started selling custom order ones! :D
teabelly favorited Bebe Breeze Full Buckle Infant Mei Tai Carrier 08 Jun 23:56
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