Know a beard? Make beard oil.
Beard Oil can have many uses and can be customized to meet the needs of the user. This special recipe helps decrease beard dandruff. Includes free printable
Shirin L. favorited Beard Oil 23 Jul 14:21
Jordan H. favorited Beard Oil 11 Mar 12:21
Alicia Charlebois added Beard Oil to Health and Beauty 05 Mar 03:31
bumblebreeblog published her project Beard Oil 08 Jan 00:56
Step 3
Tea Tree oil is also very useful, and has even been known to help with acne. Some sites suggest that tea tree oil can help with dandruff and this is where the No Druff magic comes from. Do a quick search for tea tree oil and you can find all the great things you can do with it. There are some concerns though so make sure you read all the information. For example, tea tree oil can be very harmful to cats.