Beaded Hanging Candleabra
Old candleabra my husband and I picked out as an 'impulse buy' over 16 years ago. Looking drab to me now. I decided to decorate it. Beads seamed the proper detail. Cost is minimal to me because I am a scrap pack rat and I've been saving copper wire and glass beads since forever. This will take a big chunk out of my beads and wire but it's just the project to color this worn and well used hanging candle holder. We get frequent power outages from the storms in the wintertimes. BEWARE: This is MY first project on using these tools and copper wire. I'm daring, bold and unconventional. This project is NOT for the timid. The results do not photograph well and I'm NOT good at photo taking. Otherwise go and have a great time and go where you have never dared ventured before with beads!
Key West Witch favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 26 Jun 09:36
Kay T. favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 11 Nov 08:23
Harmonee.seal favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 31 Jul 18:15
Darian D. added Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra to FUN 13 Mar 04:09
rachel.brennan.31924 favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 13 Aug 04:08
Monice M. favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 19 May 07:30
Question_Savvy favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 16 Apr 04:02
Queen of the Sidhe favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 23 Nov 21:46
Marisa B. favorited Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra 18 Nov 22:19
Lipthink entered their project Beading On Old Favorite Candleabra to Beads Unlimited Contest 19 Dec 02:14
You Will Need
Step 2
This is using a color wheel theme. Starting in sections, blue, purple, red, orange, yellow and green. Start with the wire that fits thru medium and small glass beads. Take your wire and cut a working section of about 12 inches off the spool. Start 3/4" away from the edge and start a circular wrap around the round nose pliers. I wrap closest towards me, the largest circumference crossing over the wire where you began. Wraping now onto the wire itself and take two winds around and cut off any excess. Now add on 1 med. bead, 2 small, 1 med, 2 small, 1 med, 2 small, 1 med. Hold the wire with the round nose pliers and wrap again the wire around the plier large end, take two winds around the wire itself and trim. You should make 8 of these and if you have various sized medium beads keep them as close to the same size by adding more smaller beads or one more medium bead to make them all about 3-1/2" long.
Step 3
Click on the photo to see the details on the chain for the sections. Left to right: 1A. finished bead section and figure 8 connector, 1B. bead section and connector and hanging figure 8, 3A. hanging figure 8 and bead with austrian chrystal drop, 3B. finished bead and chrystal drop, 4A. hook to place on the candleabra and figure 8 connector, 4B. hook and connector completed. Taking one section and adding the drop now add a section to the hanging drop completes one final segment of green. Repeat till you have 4 complete final segments of green. Repeat this for all the colors.
Step 4
Attaching the hook to the candleabra take one completed final segment, say green. Open the figure 8 connector and thread it thru the little eye. Attach the other end to an opposing bar hook and thread it thru the hook eye. This should swing. Attach another section thus around and you get a lacy feeling. Keep one color in the same area. Lite your candles and set it in a room or out on patio when nice weather. Can be left outside to weather if you choose as it will take time for the copper wire to age. Keep inside if you don't want the copper to age quickly.