I love this!
I saw hairbands like this, with round white beads in a similar patern, in Primark, but thought I could do much better and make a more original version here than the obvious, so here it is!
Jackie G. added Beaded Elasticcy Headband to Head Bands 28 Jul 20:53
catarina n. favorited Beaded Elasticcy Headband 13 Sep 15:48
Oxana W. favorited Beaded Elasticcy Headband 22 Aug 20:43
You Will Need
Step 3
You should be aiming for a tight, not-floppy chain of beads that you can still stretch out some more when you wear it.
It needs to be about as long as the distance between about an inch above each ear, over your head. If you see what I mean!
Securely knot the ends and dab a little glue on them to make sure it stays put.
Here it is in the picture.
Step 4
Here's how you attach the elastic to the ends of the beaded part- just thread each end of the elastic through each of the end beads (shown by the grey in the pic).
Then adjust the amount of elastic you need by putting it on your head... remember to make it a bit shorter because it will stretch
Knot the ends of the elastic together, and crimp both strands in the middle where the knot is, with the leather crimp.