Tie-on beaded collar necklace
Ello! :)
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make this Beaded Collar Necklace! :) At first, I wanted to sew it, but tulle made it kind of hard, so I decided to hot glue everything. What matters is that it looks great from the front, so don't worry about the glue! And in case you are against glue, you can always try to sew everything! :) Ok, on to tutorial!
This is from my blog aneniine.blogspot.com!
Barbara M. favorited Beaded Collar Necklace 09 Apr 23:56
Key West Witch favorited Beaded Collar Necklace 04 Oct 21:52
Key West Witch added Beaded Collar Necklace to Jewelry 30 Jun 02:31
redwolf54 favorited Beaded Collar Necklace 13 Feb 16:35
Ghosts are Green favorited Beaded Collar Necklace 26 Apr 01:09
Pimke added Beaded Collar Necklace to Schmuck 11 Feb 21:26
kittybadass5 c. favorited Beaded Collar Necklace 02 Jul 07:19
Francis S. favorited Beaded Collar Necklace 23 Jan 23:33
WILD ROSE favorited Beaded Collar Necklace 15 Dec 20:42
aneniine entered their project Beaded Collar Necklace to Ugly Christmas Sweater 03 Dec 14:51
Step 7
5. If you're doing this, for example, on the floor, don't let the glue cool on it. I did it at first and the glue soaked through tulle and stuck to the floor and was barely removable. I ripped the tulle and some glue is still on the floor. I mean, pick up the fabric after you glue each piece on, so the glue stays on the collar, not your work place.