
$ $ $ $ $
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34 mins

Inspired by etsy sellers who were inspired by Spirited away (the movie)
I assume that this kind of bath token gets you an expensive herbal bath. It was etsy inspired, I had to make them. Also since I had a dream last night where I had a relaxing Herbal bath in the spirit world of Spirited away, but then I woke up. :(
I look foreword to wearing these when my 6 weeks are up. (Since I got my ears pirced at Least 2 weeks ago)

Posted by Kin Dragon from Denton, Texas, United States • Published See Kin Dragon's 558 projects »


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Amberlynn Reid
Amberlynn Reid · Kathmandu, Central Region, NP · 67 projects
UGH I hate it when that happens- when you wake up from an interesting dream!. . . . (*quietly* I once I THINK I acted like I was washing my face. . . . . . . but I was have asleep and I din't use real water of course lol)

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