Here's a way to get rid of annoying remnants of bar soaps!
You know those pieces left over that are too small to really use, or just too squishy? Let them dry then save them in a jar!
After a while, you'll have a lot in the jar, and this is how to take care of it. You could also use it in some of my other soap projects, this is just one of the many ways. :)
autumnrose.lee favorited Basic Bar Soap 11 Mar 12:11
Maurice M. commented on Basic Bar Soap 22 Feb 04:43
sabrina p. favorited Basic Bar Soap 18 Jun 08:27
Chudames favorited Basic Bar Soap 05 Jun 00:26
Katzilla published her project Basic Bar Soap 02 Jun 00:38
Step 1
Take the pieces of soap, and either chop them into fine pieces, grate them with a cheese grater, or put them in a plastic bag with a towel wrapped around it, and smash with hammers or meat mallets.
Step 2
Once you have the soap pieces ready, take the container you wish for the soap to take shape with, and find something of a similar shape you can press on the soap with.
So basically, if you're letting the soap harden in a small, round tupperware container, get something that is slightly smaller than the container and the same shape as it.
Step 3
Boil some water, about 2 cups will be more than necessary.
Step 4
Take half the water, and put it into a measuring cup or such, and get ready for the next step.
Step 5
Pour the small soap fragments into the container, and slowly pour a small ammount of water into the soap, just enough to get it wet and melted a bit, so you can reshape it.
Step 6
Here's where the similarly-shaped object comes in handy. Daub the soap with a dry paper towel or rag to get off some of the moisture. Then, take another rag and place it on top of the soap. Press down on the soap firmly with the object. In my case, a measuring cup. change out the rag if you need to, we're trying to get as much water out as we can.
Step 7
After you've gotten rid of as much water as you can, set it somewhere to dry. An about 24 or more hours, or until it's cool, and firm, and hard all throughout, pop it out and start using it!