Create a Scarecrow with a Light-up Artificial Pumpkin
Scarecrows are created to scare and prevent critters from coming in the garden yet, most are not scary! If they only had a brain, they would realize their focus on scaring off and preventing is actually creating more of the very same thing. Hocus pocus focus! It's a no-brainer...as whatever you focus on with strong feelings, you will create! When you focus on what you love, you will realize you have a brain that creates the very thing you desire. Create on purpose today and make this scary pumpkin scarecrow!
Key West Witch added Barry's Pumpkin Scarecrow to Halloween Projects/Crafts 19 Mar 06:01
Key West Witch favorited Barry's Pumpkin Scarecrow 19 Mar 06:01
bora FAZER favorited Barry's Pumpkin Scarecrow 11 Jun 03:57
Nancy! favorited Barry's Pumpkin Scarecrow 19 Oct 19:17
BarryBelcher published his project Barry's Pumpkin Scarecrow 15 Oct 11:22
Step 17
Watch video tutorial.