Tropical sensation for the tastebuds ;)
Really liked making this pie it's kind of a mix between the fruityness of the bananas and the tropic coconut, perfect as a summer treat! The custardy sweet filling is perfect with the texture of the pastery :) The steps may seem long but its definately worth it, enjoy!
TARA R. added Banoconut Pie to food 04 Jan 00:49
Step 1
Preheat the oven to 200°. Roll out the pastry dough on a lightly floured surface, to approx. the size of your pie dish. I just roughly measure myself and then trim the edges. Once in the dish, pierce the base several times with a fork and fill with baking beads or dried beans.
Step 2
Bake until the crust starts to set about 20 mins into baking time, then remove the beans or beads and bake until crust turns a golden colour, roughly about 20-25 minutes more. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely :)
Step 3
Slice the bananas into 1/4 of an ince thick slices and overlap to fill the base of the pie.
Step 4
Next the fun part, making the custard :P Place the cornstarch in a bowl, whisk in half the cup of milk and then add the egg yolks and whisk until incorperated and smooth.
Step 5
In a big saucepan, whisk together the coconut milk, sugar, salt and the remaining milk and bring to the boil over a medium heat. When it reaches boiling point, slowly whisk in the yolk mixture and reduce head to medium low. Use a spatula to stir and constantly scrape the bottom of the pot to prevent it setting. Cook until it forms a creamy, custard like mix, about 5-10 mins.
Step 6
Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla. Pour the hot custard into the pie crust and leave it to cool to room temp. To help along with this I left mine on the windowsill with a fly cover over it, if its a nice day of course :) Once it's cool you can refridgerate it until it is firm and chilled, at least half an hour.
Step 7
Finally, for the topping when your ready to serve and show off your creation, combine the cream and icing sugar in a jug or bown and whip until it forms medium peaks. Spread over the surface of the pie, and then sprinkle with the toasted coconut, serve then or chilled for up to 8 hours. Enjoy ;)