The dumpster diver's must-have accessory
I made this very late one night after thinking about Oscar the Grouch's style. I shaped the frame by twisting galvanized steel wire and then hand stitched long nail file-shaped pieces of the neon yellow fabric (which I kept from the bottom of a tank top I cut up for another project) together with cream coloured felt. After putting on the "stem" which was a tiny piece of black felt, the finishing touch was to figure out which angle it sat best on my head (forward, to the right) and then attaching the hair clip with hot glue before reinforcing it with thread. I've been meaning to make another one shaped like an octopus and will take progress photos for that when I finally find the time to actually do it.
Nancy! added Bananne Appeal Fascinator to nintendo 21 Mar 23:37
Katie B. favorited Bananne Appeal Fascinator 16 Nov 14:35
fiische posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!