wearable roses!
I made this small bouquet of sock flowers for a friend's baby shower. Got the idea from the website below, but used red flowers since we didn't know if it would be a boy or girl. I used four pairs to make 8 roses, but you could make as many or few as you like. I just rolled the socks, wrapped a bit of green felt around the bottom and tied it tight with embroidery. I pulled the actual fake flowers off the stems and replaced it with the rose, but I remember it being a little weak so reinforcing with extra wire might be a good idea.
Amy B. entered their project Baby Sock Rose Bouquet to Kanzashi In Bloom Contest 02 Sep 19:25
Amy B. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Naples, Florida, US
132 projects
Too cute! Will def. use at the next baby shower I go to!