Cute blanket for a baby boy!!
A friend of mine is having a baby boy sometime next week so as a present I decided to make her a cute blanket.
I appliquéd the stars by first attaching them to the fabric with the Bondaweb then stitching them on with a straight stitch in a navy blue embroidery thread, using an embroidery hoop (it was pretty tough doing it without as I soon realised).
Next I attached the ribbon to the edge (really struggled with the corners), and the cupcake to the other piece of fabric in the same way as the stars but without the Bondaweb (felt is much easier to hold in place with just a couple of pins).
and finally stitched the whole lot together turned right side out and slip-stitched the open edge :-)
Now I'm just sitting around waiting for the baby to arrive (already a week late) so I can give it to her!
Prettykittyfire posted this project as a creation without steps
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