Draw an avocado with pan pastels
Cindy S. commented on Avocado Drawing 25 Aug 11:45
Chris published her project Avocado Drawing 05 Nov 09:00
You Will Need
Step 2
My materials consisted of 2 sheets of pastel paper, a black pastel pencil, my 7 colour palette of pigments, a painting knife with sponge covers (the no. 1 round and the no. 4 point) and some kitchen paper towel for cleaning the sponge covers and pans.
Step 4
The next step is to apply the colour and start painting in pastel. To apply the pastel pigments wipe the painting knife with the sponge cover across the pan of colour 2 or 3 times to pick up some pigment and then apply it straight to the paper. If mixing colours wipe the knife over both colours and mix by blending together as you apply it to the area of the painting on which you are working. Clean the applicator as you work by rubbing it across the kitchen towel. You can also use the paper towel to clean off the pans. You can use a flat piece of kitchen towel or I have also seen someone using the roll and tearing off pieces as they become dirty.
Step 5
The first colour I used was the Hansa Yellow to paint over the entire form of the avocado leaving a couple of small areas of the paper showing through on which to add highlights later on.
For large areas I used the sponge cover with the rounded tip and then when moving onto smaller areas or those with more detail I changed it for the pointed tip.