Rich violet with the definition you get from a smoky eye.
Sarah Kim favorited Aubergine Velvet Make Up 25 Jul 17:15
Marina G. favorited Aubergine Velvet Make Up 02 Jun 14:47
Birgit added Aubergine Velvet Make Up to Hair, nails, make-up 06 Apr 15:40
katthecat favorited Aubergine Velvet Make Up 23 Jan 22:18
Birgit favorited Aubergine Velvet Make Up 20 Jan 18:31
And to help clean up any fallout easier, you can place some facial powder under your eye. I would suggest doing this especially if you've already applied your foundation to the rest of your face.
Just some suggestions!
(I'm a makeup artist)
This is an excellent tutorial though! I love the purple color! You could also use just a natural lip color, to emphasize the eyes even more.