Now that you've created a new look it's time to put your card together
You've created a project using the simple way to give your card a new look so now you need to put the card together.
- Peg R. published her project Assembling Your Simple Way To Give A New Look Tutorial 03 Nov 06:00
Step 1
Now that you've created a new look for your card using the tutorial-A Simple Way To Give Your Card A New Look begin putting your card together by creating a card base for it. The base in this project is a 5 1/2" x 8" piece.
Step 5
Your card is now finished and ready to share! Have fun just playing around with the look of your card by turning the base horizontally and cutting the strips in that direction. Create different looks by using different stamps and themes. This is a new way for you to add a different look to your cards!