delicious toffee for easter!
I didn't have anytime to buy my family easter eggs! so I decicded to make some loveley tofee to share. hope you like it!
miss rose entered her project Another Kind Of Easter Egg! to Secret Santa 28 Dec 20:35
miss rose added her project Another Kind Of Easter Egg! to recipies! 12 Jul 19:15
Step 1
grease your tin. pretty simple!
Step 2
put all the ingredients into a saucepan and mix them up.
mix 'em up good :) -
Step 3
put on a low heat. make sure the sugar has desolved and the butter has melted
then turn up the haeat a little and bring it to the boil. -
Step 4
bring it to 150 degrees celcius (keep stirring it or it'll burn your pan!!!)
Step 5
pour it into your tin and spread it around
spread it.... spread it... your spatula may melt so be careful! -
Step 6
when it's cool mark some squares on it
Step 7
with the writing icing make the egg shape and the pattern inisde it :D
Step 8
make up your icing according to the instuctions on the packet and seperate it into three parts. dye one blue, one yellow and leave the other white. or choose your own colours.
Step 9
now fill in the colours between the pattern
and you should be done! post a version... pleeeease! ;3