Animal Jar Hooks
Extract from Mason Jar Crafts • By Lauren Elise Donaldson • Published by Ulysses PressAbout
Mason Jar Crafts
Difficulty Rating: Moderate-Difficult
Keeping a room organized is never an easy task for little ones, but with the right tools the process can be more enjoyable and encouraging. These colorful animal hooks will brighten up your child’s room and serve as a friendly reminder to hang up backpacks, toys, and clothes. Color coordinate with bedroom decor and let your children choose their favorite animals. This will make them feel a part of the process and hopefully excite them about keeping their rooms clutter-free.
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You Will Need
Step 1
Cut the fabric down to about 22 x 10 inches and iron it smooth. Lay it out flat with the correct side facing down.
Step 2
Center the piece of MDF over the fabric. Fold back the 2-inch border along one side, pulling the fabric taut and then hot-gluing it to the board. Fold each of the other 3 sides back and glue them down as well.
Step 3
Separate the bands from the glass jars. You can discard the metal lids or save them for another time; they are not needed in this project.
Step 5
Use a ruler and pencil to divide the fabric-covered wood into quarters. Then mark the center point of each of those 4 quarters onto the fabric.
Step 8
Flip the wood board over and screw in two D-ring hangers, one on either side of the board close to the top.
Step 10
Apply super glue to the feet of the plastic animals, one animal at a time. Then place the animal on the end of the jar, hold it in place, and apply pressure. The super glue may take a few minutes to start working, so continue applying pressure. Gravity will also work in your favor. Refer to the glue’s directions, but it may take a full 24 hours for the plastic and glass to properly adhere together. Glue down all of the animals.
Step 11
Hang these animal hooks on the wall. Drape bags, totes, belts, and other items from the jars as a bedroom organizer.
Extra Tips
Instead of covering the wood in fabric, spray-paint the MDF a bright color for a monochromatic alternative.The empty jars can serve as extra storage for your kid’s small belongings. Unscrew the jars and fill them up with Legos, toy cars, blocks, stickers, or beads.
These hooks can also be transformed into something for a mature audience.
Eliminate the plastic animals for a simple look with shabby chic flair. Adults can appreciate these hooks in many rooms, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.