It steals eggs AND looks cute!
I craft...badly (hence the name of my website being badlycrafted.com), but wanted to put something up here on cutoutandkeep. I'm inspired by all the cool stuff here.
This pig was easier than I thought it would be. And it's super cheap. The felt is 4/$1.00, the thread I already had around my house and the inspiration was my son begging for a pig that his angry bird plushes could beat up. :)
I got the idea by searching the 'net and ran across a page where this AWESOME crafter sews up loads of cool stuff. I'll be sure to "promote" her in the little box given. It's all her crafting idea with my badlycrafted execution. ;)
The original Angry Birds pig has a lighter green snout, but Hobby Lobby didn't have any color lighter so I just went with what I had. It seemed to work out ok.
I wished I'd taken pics as I went along to show you. It's far too long and drawn out to figure out the directions, so this time I'll just SHOW you a project instead of a "how to".
Jennifer A. favorited her project Angry Birds Pig 18 Nov 18:00
Jennifer A. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!