Cute Can Recycling
I once had a pair of fairy earrings but I lost one of them and used the other one as a charm. When making butterflies, I accidentally cut one of the wings off, and thought of making this.
Easy to make and really cute. If you like the can you used, you could turn them to the other side to show the coloured side of the can.
You can also paint them any colour. You can use them on whatever you want but I think they are perfect for jewellery. These two are going to be earrings but you could make rings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, etc.
Scissors : Don't use scissors that you also use for food preparation, etc as there may be traces of metal left behind after this, even when you wash them. As you can see, I used some really old, rusty scissors (but they are still sharp)
- Make sure your workspace is easy to clean so if any metal gets anywhere you can clean it up and don't have to go looking for it. Also, make sure you support what you are working with so it can't go anywhere, e.g. fling off into your eyes
(that's why I worked in a sink area - its contained for easy clean up and control of your metal)
- It's really sharp. We all know this but I thought I'd remind you
- Frequently check for splinters. If you feel something sharp, check your hand for metal splinters. If you have a metal splinter, deal with it before you continue or you'll regret it.
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Aluminium Fairies 20 Jul 21:49
xXJackkieXx entered her project Aluminium Fairies to Harmonees Creations 23 Jan 07:58
Christina F. favorited Aluminium Fairies 27 Sep 09:18
bigrthanlasagna favorited Aluminium Fairies 30 Jul 09:47
harley r. favorited Aluminium Fairies 11 Mar 20:04
Tabitha F. favorited Aluminium Fairies 23 Feb 21:06
Sam D. favorited Aluminium Fairies 30 Aug 00:30
xXJackkieXx entered her project Aluminium Fairies to Darby Smart 08 Aug 12:40
Syb' favorited Aluminium Fairies 23 Jun 19:00
chelsie.kuskie added Aluminium Fairies to jewlery 31 May 13:28
Step 1
Cut up your can. (instructions in Aluminium Butterflies tutorial if you need help)
You should have a large rectangular piece left. -
Step 6
Go back to your original cut. Make a foot and leg shape.