Recycle Your Old Fizzy Drink Cans
I've had this idea for a while and decided to try it out. I really like the results and its so simple! The thing that takes the longest is cutting up the can in the beginning because you have to be careful for splinters and make sure not to cut yourself with it.
Scissors : make sure they are not scissors you use for food, ect. As you can see, the scissors I was using were really old and rusty (but they're sharp).
- work in a place that is easy to clean up, because this leaves lots of little bits of metal, and you don't want to leave any behind when you've finished cleaning up. I used a sink because it's got barriers there is less chance of spread of metal.
- be careful, its sharp. I know its really obvious and I got really tired of every person who walked past me telling me that, but I have to say it
- frequently check for metal splinters because if you leave them and keep working, they'll get worse and because its metal, they are really small and sharp. If you feel something sharp at any time, just quickly check your hand to make sure you haven't got a cut or splinter.
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Aluminium Butterflies 20 Jul 21:50
Kinhime Dragon favorited Aluminium Butterflies 25 Jun 16:16
Angela W. favorited Aluminium Butterflies 19 May 02:35
xXJackkieXx replied to a comment on her project Aluminium Butterflies 14 Mar 23:35
harley r. commented on Aluminium Butterflies 11 Mar 20:04
harley r. favorited Aluminium Butterflies 11 Mar 20:04
MandyCip_93 favorited Aluminium Butterflies 22 Nov 11:02
Sue W. favorited Aluminium Butterflies 17 Oct 17:57
go-go-chi favorited Aluminium Butterflies 19 Sep 13:53
victoria.joneskeeling added Aluminium Butterflies to Other crafts 09 Jun 21:41
You Will Need
Step 10
Cut the first wing. You can make this any shape you want.
Step 14
Now you have a butterfly!
To make patterns or a hole for hanging, use a metal skewer.
I was thinking of making mine a wall decoration, like in Serena's room in Gossip Girl.
They can be used as decorations along tables. It looks nice to make similarly shaped butterflies in different sizes and line them up smallest to largest with each opening their wings a bit more.
You can keep the remaining aluminium to make a template or a pretty decoration for cards, etc.
Or you can cut around the open space left after the butterfly to create a similar effect