My A2 textiles Coursework Final Piece :)
Well this is what I created for my A2 textiles coursework final piece, blood sweat and tears went into this nightmare so I thought I would share it with you all. It turned out much better than I thought it would, and if it fit me I would totally wear it but unfortunatly I made it to big :( because I am not packing in the chest area XD.... anyway I hope you like it. x
P.S the reason it took 15 hours is due to the handstitching on the white aida on the corset, it took 8 hours to draw the template from the book and then sew it... it took 2 Lord of the rings films to do that lol.
Suzannah G. added Alice In Wonderland Inspired Dress to Alice 21 Jun 19:20
Robyn A. favorited Alice In Wonderland Inspired Dress 23 Apr 19:46
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Claire M. favorited Alice In Wonderland Inspired Dress 21 Sep 21:52
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Lexi H. added Alice In Wonderland Inspired Dress to Special Dresses 31 May 02:11
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Jess-Chan posted this project as a creation without steps
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