Bag out of your favorite Jeans
There comes a time in every girls life when the beloved jeans become too tight ^^
But why giving away this precious piece?
Just cut off the legs and make two straight seams ( uhm, ok, 2 for every leg, just one wasn't strong enough for me ^^ ), add a strap ( I used the belt that belonged to the pants anyway, but you can make the strap with the leg fabric! ) and some buttons / a zipper / whatever and ABRACADABRA: Jeans became a bag! It's magic!!!
Pimp up your bag with random stuff and get a one-in-a-million-bag!
I just added a key fob from my boyfriends military regiment <3
Very army-ish ^^
You Will Need
FrolleinKram posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!