Yes that's right a PURPLE rabbit suit ^_^
I stumbled across an old knitting book- Debbie Bliss, "New Baby Knits" and instantly decided that I wanted to knit an all in one rabbit suit for my daughter Abigail. I know rabbit's aren't usually purple, but who likes to be normal?!
It took 5 months to knit and it was worth all the hard work as she looks so cute wearing it. Let me know what you think ^_^
mellie.antley commented on Abigail's Awesome Purple Knitted Rabbit Suit 01 Jun 23:09
mellie.antley favorited Abigail's Awesome Purple Knitted Rabbit Suit 01 Jun 23:08
cristinakilljoyway favorited Abigail's Awesome Purple Knitted Rabbit Suit 27 Jan 00:48
Angie G. commented on Abigail's Awesome Purple Knitted Rabbit Suit 08 Nov 20:40
You Will Need
Disnerd85 posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Mountain View, Arkansas, US
my daughter sent me a similar pattern, but it had dog ears, my grandson is still wearing it

Angie G.
I knitted one of these for my Cousin's baby, but sadly, I have mis-placed the book with the pattern in. Is there any chance you could let me have the pattern?

Leicester, England, GB
33 projects
n'aawww! she looks adorable! ^o^

Bedford, England, GB
20 projects
I think it would take even longer to make an adult sized one. Would be very cool though!

1 project
i want this in an adult size! awe. cute baby, great project. your hard work was worth it : )

Bedford, England, GB
20 projects
Wow i'm glad you like it

Julie G.
47 projects
possibly the cutest thing I have seen in a long time - it trumps the pikachu kitten my daughter showed me earlier!

Sorrel M.
London, GB
6 projects
this is so cute i wish i has a little girl to make one for xxxx