A warm up drawing you can do anywhere
This is a neat little exercise you can apply to any situation, whether you're sitting in a cafe, in your kitchen, sitting on a train, anywhere. All you need is a pen or pencil and something to draw on; you could sketch it out on a napkin, a receipt or in a sketchbook. It is something simple, a meditation on a space and a warm up to help you look and make marks. This exercise is taken from my book 'DRAW', released in October 2015.
Marie P. favorited A Simple Line Drawing Of A Room 27 Apr 05:22
Coyote added A Simple Line Drawing Of A Room to Coyote Do A Art 13 Jun 03:48
Emma H. favorited A Simple Line Drawing Of A Room 31 Oct 23:38
jennavieve favorited A Simple Line Drawing Of A Room 30 Oct 14:46
Jake Spicer published his project A Simple Line Drawing Of A Room 30 Oct 06:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Look into a corner of the room at a small area of detail. Look for the edge of an object and with a simple continuous line start drawing your way around the edges of the shapes you see. Draw the shapes of objects and the spaces between them and keep up a continuous, flowing process of looking and making marks.