A free dress pattern to capture the magic of the bittersweet peak between summer and fall.
Midsummer. The bittersweet peak marking summer’s transition to fall. We created this midsummer dress tutorial to capture the magic of the in-between time with three back closure methods (button, ribbon ties and long sash). We recommend voile for the bodice and the skirt, though lighter weight quilting cottons and double gauze would do just fine.
Cut the midsummer dress long for girls still in the princess phase (for when it has to come “down” as our blue one does), measure a few inches above the ankle for toddlers still getting the hang of walking. Shortening the skirt to waist length creates a beautiful breezy shirt. Our gallery of images reveals all three of the closure methods.
The midsummer dress project can easily be completed in an afternoon. I found the long sash to be the most gratifying and elegant admire.
- Charm-Stitch-mid-summer-dress.pdf 2.56 MB [ Download ]
Key West Witch added A Midsummer Dress Tutorial to Sewing 29 Jun 15:34
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Step 1
Download the pdf for instructions.