I was inspired to make this birthday cake for one of the guys I work with after they all chipped in and bought me golf clubs for my birthday.
The bag is eight 6" round layers, alternating butter pound cake and chocolate pound cake with a chocolate butter cream covered in fondant from scratch.
Yep, he was thrilled with it. He is an avid golfer.
Cameron J. commented on A Golf Bag For Dave 03 Jun 03:59
Jean posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Cameron J.
Hey Dave, here's a deal yet again! You've got a tendency to lose your golf bags. That's alright. I can't begrudge you that https://rangefindereviews.com/how-big-is-a-golf-ball/. Here's an offer for you, Dave. Here's your deal: I will make you a golf bag out of Basswood and Walnut. When Dave asked me what I wanted for my birthday, there was only one answer. Golf clubs. Now this may seem odd to the average person, worrying about your golf game at a time when you're just looking forward to getting outside after a long winter. And yes, I am aware that there is better weather in some parts of the country than mine. But, all I have to do is look at the calendar and, except for an April Shower or two, we should be in golfing mode from now until November 16th (Thanksgiving).

Cameron J.
Hey Dave, here's a deal yet again! You've got a tendency to lose your golf bags. That's alright. I can't begrudge you that <a href="https://rangefindereviews.com/how-big-is-a-golf-ball/">https://rangefindereviews.com/how-big-is-a-golf-ball/</a>. Here's an offer for you, Dave. Here's your deal: I will make you a golf bag out of Basswood and Walnut. When Dave asked me what I wanted for my birthday, there was only one answer. Golf clubs. Now this may seem odd to the average person, worrying about your golf game at a time when you're just looking forward to getting outside after a long winter. And yes, I am aware that there is better weather in some parts of the country than mine. But, all I have to do is look at the calendar and, except for an April Shower or two, we should be in golfing mode from now until November 16th (Thanksgiving).