Two Simple Scarves
These are some basic beginner scarves you can try. For the purple one, you only need to know how to do the knit stitch. For the blue, you'll need to use knit and purl.
These scarves are nice to make because you can easily pick them up at any time... no need to follow a pattern or pay attention to right side/wrong side. No matter where you leave off, you can pick it back up and start again.
chuytamayo added 2 Simple Scarves to crafts 11 Dec 16:05
KnitOneSewTheOther favorited 2 Simple Scarves 26 Jun 21:06
You Will Need
Step 2
This scarf will be more stretchy width-wise.
Cast on as many stitches as you'd like for the desired width of the scarf. EDIT: Be sure to cast on an even number of stitches for this pattern to work!
Row 1: Knit 1, Purl 1
Repeat row 1 until scarf is desired length. Bind off.
VARIATIONS: Increase the number of stitches you knit/purl for larger sections, like knit 2, purl 2.