A soppy little book perfect for a soppy couple.
I guess this would be good for Valentines Day or something, me and my fiance don't do Valentines Day and I actually made this to go in a box that I gave him when he returned from sea last time. The same box that I put Origami Stars in.
Basically I made lots of heart shapes on the computer and filled each one with a reason why I love him. Some were serious and some were a little bit silly, and the last one simply said because he's him.
I then created hearts to go on the other sides with lots of pictures of hearts and sweets and things.
I printed the whole lot out, then cut out the hearts. I attacted a heart background to the reverse side of the quotes. I then hole punched and threaded the hearts on the ribbon to make a little "book".
It's definatly a soppy little gift and has just a little bit of that mushy factor, but he really liked it and it made us both smile. That's the important thing really.
I apologise for the absolutly terrible quality of the photos, but they were taken with my phone camera and I can't take anymore because he's taken the book to sea with him :P.
- latisha v. added 101 Reasons Book to things id like to try 30 Dec 07:48
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