Create 10 cards at one time using this technque
This technique will help you create cards quickly and easily for the holidays or any day that you need a card.
kiaravalentine added 10 Card Wonder Technique to Fai fai fai 01 Oct 19:52
Sarah S. added 10 Card Wonder Technique to Card Ideas 30 Jul 05:27
Peg R. published her project 10 Card Wonder Technique 21 Jul 06:00
Step 5
Print the template out using a program like Publisher, but make sure that your margins in your computer program are all set to .25” and that you drag the boundary lines (the black lines on the edges of the Wonder Template) to the edges of the 8 1/2" x 11" paper that shows in your program. If you have a printer that allows you to copy the template and print it on the patterned paper you can do that, too. You can, also, use this sheet as a guide and draw the sheet onto the back of the patterned paper using a ruler and a pencil.
Step 10
You now have the cards ready to decorate as you need them.