10 ways to beautify an old boring dress
i think nearly every woman on these and on every other world knows that:
you go to your wardrobe, open it, look inside. what do you see? just useless things... and then it starts: "oh my god!!! i m so fat and nothing suits me!!! everything s stupid!!!..." and so on.
i ve got this bad days too. but sometimes there are little solutions for problems, which seem to be big.
and so i got the idea of changing an old boring thing (what doesn t suit anybody...) into an interesting one.
if you ve got other ideas, too, you can add them in a comment :)
liebe grüße and i hope you ll like it <3
Key West Witch favorited 1 Dress > 10 Ways To Wear It 07 Aug 21:53
veronica f. favorited 1 Dress > 10 Ways To Wear It 30 Nov 21:50
cristinakilljoyway favorited 1 Dress > 10 Ways To Wear It 22 Jan 21:52
Rhonda G. favorited 1 Dress > 10 Ways To Wear It 14 Sep 18:45
Emily B. favorited 1 Dress > 10 Ways To Wear It 25 Jun 06:30
You Will Need
Step 4
turn your backside of the dress forwards. take the strings (which are the sleeves), put them around your neck and knot them and a ittle piece of fabric of the dress.
(i really don t know how to explain this so well... especially not in english. i m from germany and so it s difficult for me... hope you understand it.)
toss in a knitted sweater with some small holes.. i duno how easy way to describe this tho its awesomely innocent.. (in my opinion) hihi
good idea!