Minneapolis Minnesota United States 30 projects

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We head to Minneapolis to meet #FeaturedMember Oriana who loves drawing and painting!


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

It was so long ago I don't remember how I found it, but I found it during highschool and just wanted a place to show my crafts and collaborate with others.

What projects are you currently working on?

I'm working on perfecting tumblers on the wheel in ceramics. I have been making some stamps but am working up to tackling an entire designed print- I'd even like to incorporate stamps onto fabric!


June 23, 2012
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Featured Projects
82 times


What does your craft space look like?

I'm currently in college, so I have had to find space in my small dorm to craft. While I am often sitting at my desk to craft, I also have an easel set up. Otherwise I am in the studio at school doing ceramics!

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

A pencil! I have fancier supplies, but the one I grab everyday is a simple mechanical pencils to sketch between studying. I have recently started using a small right angle ruler and a helix circle maker quite often to make sketching different geometric designs even easier too.

What do you craft along to?

Whatever TV show I am currently watching- right now its Modern Family. Otherwise I like to have music on- either folk or pop depending on my mood.

Favorite Craft

Over the past few years I have focused a lot more on drawing and painting, though I have recently learned ceramics! I have also recently experimented a bit with printmaking and making my own stamps. I have tried out a lot even before that though: knitting, sewing, jewelry making... I love to explore different mediums. Out of everything I think drawing and ceramics are my favorites!

Oriana's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

Something with glasswork. I had the opportunity during a photography class to take photos of craftsmen heating up and designing glassware and it seemed amazing- I'd love to try it out.

Who are your crafting heroes?

My mom! She introduced me to crafts before I even learned to walk. She has been sewing or knitting every day for as long as I can remember.