Posts by Vicky

    Oh no I just missed it Happy

    If you need someone extra to make up numbers let me know Happy
    (I'm only able to send within the uk at the moment >_< I can fill in your form if you need me as an extra one)

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    I suffer from Crohn's disease and went through school and college with all the problems and no diagnosis. I was very often sick or doubled over with stomach pain, and occasionally completely out of it like I was floating or in a dream or something. Fortunately for me all my teachers were great as were the medical staff and after the first few episodes they could see I wasn't 'right' and would let me go home if my symptoms hadn't eased up after an hour or so (I even had one of my teachers hold on to me on the walk to the med room so I didn't fall down, even though he wasn't legally allowed to). Less fortunate was the reactions from my classmates who definitely didn't believe in my symptoms which made me incredibly anxious and lucky me - anxiety can set off my flare ups Happy

    I also suffer from some pretty nasty hypermobility which affects the amount of exercise I can do, and something referred to as 'prickly heat' which is where sweat can't escape and is trapped under the skin causing incredible pain - like thousands of ants biting the area constantly.

    I think the worst part of the situation you are in, and I was in, is the not knowing. Since I've found out what is wrong I've been able to take steps to avoid what starts my flare-ups and I can lead a pretty normal life. I'm pretty lucky to live in the UK so we have the NHS, I can't imagine going through it all without it and having to pay for all the emergency treatment. I really hope you find out what's causing your problems soon, it's no fun living like that.

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    Surely that is aided my the wires? If you're really struggling you could stitch in a bit of corset boning in the centre, that will hold it straight upwards if your problem is that it's flopping away.

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    So as usual we got the obligatory bath bombs for Christmas, but since we have moved we no longer have a bath! Does anyone have any suggestions on other things to do with them or other ways to use them?

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    I'm so glad you like it! I'm glad the bracelet got to you in oone piece, I was concerned it would get smashed >_< I was surprised when I saw you'd made an eevee too, I think we even used the same pattern! But they turned out so different from each other it's awesome Happy

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    I really hope all the packages reach their destinations before Christmas Happy hopefully they are only a little bit delayed and you'll get them tomorrow. I really want to know if you like everything Judith ^^'

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    My boyfriend posted for me today, so here is the final teaser from me Happy

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    I really like the material :L It's super soft and makes him a bit like a pillow Happy

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    I got Judith's package today! I absolutely love it! The woobat hat is definitely my favorite (and fits like a snug dream)
    I tried to send out mine today but the post office is on strike Happy I have got everything now though and will post again when the post office reopens.
    This is what I got this morning Happy sorry about image quality, it is getting dark here!

    Medium 20131214 145145
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    I think that would be fine Happy it will probably be a little while before I can get your extra bits too so don't worry too much about it Happy I'm fine with the current teaser but another teaser before you post would be awesome Happy
    Your plush is VERY fluffy XD

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    I had a moment (well.. a few hours) of inspiration and I finished both your plushies! I haven't made the additional item yet but here is a teaser for the two plushies Happy (my boyfriend is demanding the little one XD I'll have to make another for him)

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    I haven't finished it yet Happy I wouldn't want to post a teaser until I'm done really, is that ok? I can post a photo with the fabrics and stuff I'm using if you would like that (the fabric store had some nice bits in today Happy)

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    Oh my goodness that teaser is super exciting!! I need to get yours all finished! I'm going on another fabric hunt tomorrow (the store didn't have what I wanted when I last went) so hopefully I'll be able to get the bits to make your smaller plush Happy

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    I think as long as it is moderatedand everyone uses it appropriately a thread like this is invaluable in preventing people getting ripped off by swappers.
    I was also 'flaked on' by Scharminkeltje but on the opposite end of the goth/lolita swap. I never heard whether she received my package and I feel bad that she flaked on others so I thought I should also share my experience with you Happy

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    She's who I sent to Happy I'm hoping she has got a good reason for vanishing, I really want to know whether she got the swap parcel and what she thought of it, she was really active before I sent the swap and then nothing.

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