Posts by Autonomous

    No. Generally touch ups are only needed on sensitive and difficult areas such as the wrists hands feet breasts elbows and genitalia. You should be fine on the arm, back, belly, etc.

    ask to see a portfolio before they work on you regardless.

    I have eight tattoos, none have needed touch ups(except one i gave myself for practice, i'm still learning :x

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    Reminds me of a local tattoo parlor that was advertising two name tattoo for $100 last valentines day... it makes respectable tattoo artists looks bad, and it's honestly very frustrating. they think it's a good idea as they'll be able to get the money for the name, AND money for a COVER UP later on Happy

    He's out of his mind dear, stay away from him! And if you explain what happened with the tattoo to a judge id think you'd be able to get a restraining order with my opinion you should, for your own safety!

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    OOT is my favorite, but i love nostalgia Happy

    Both of the DS titles, phantom hourglass and spirit tracks, brought me hours and hours of entertainment, but they're not the best games.. a it too camp, but my main beef with them is simply that their overall weapons selection didn't feel true to the overall attitude and style of the franchise. namely, the snake whip and sand rod really felt odd visually, and the puzzles lacked the charm older titles puzzles had....though the game play involving them was fun, it still made me long for the old game play. stupid limited hand held gaming systems!

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    Upload to photo bucket and copy over the img ] tag ones, or take your url from already uploading and put it between these two tags omitting the space:
    img] /img ]

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    Sonya's swap arrived, and I'm absolutely in love with every piece in it! Here are some pictures Happy

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    i agree and i don't. i think the bathmat is worth it as any paint you'd use to place the footprints would make it very uncomfortable to stand on in those spots. but the shower curtain isn't really worth it.

    Also, I'm still glad they offer it for people who don't DIY.

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    Shipped my package Saturday and handed over the tracking number that afternoon via message, but she hasn't replied so I'll have to assume it'll be a few more days before she ships mine. Happy still wonderfully anxious to hear how she likes it all!

    EDIT, I've heard from her, her package was sent and mine arrived Happy

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    Happy little toaster and i are getting set to ship this week, we've both had massive delays due to starting the school semester but we're back on track.

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    Happy little toaster and i have agreed to postpone shipping until the sixth due to a major project with time restrictions that came up on my end.

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    One of my favorite bands ego likeness will be playing there, so I'm insanely jealous of anyone going. Happy Hope it's a fun con!

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    I've got a little less than half of my projects done and I'll be-hopefully-knocking out another tomorrow. As it turns out as well I'll be able to ship on the first no problem, payday is the day before Happy

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    I don't think it's unusual, i started hunting for christmas present ideas three weeks ago!

    Anyway. The interesting irony of morals is that they're a singular set of universal truths as to what is good which no two people seem to agree on.
    Regardless, i think doing short moral stories are a fantastic idea!

    Here's something i personally treasure to help you out.

    Aesop's fables, many of which are in audio format narrated by a young girl. Happy

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    Youtube has many many great videos on "makeup Contouring". It's mostly used by drag queens but can be used subtly in omens makeup to accentuate facial features.

    I'd do this on a mid-tone Grey base, and do dark contouring, then add highlights last.. always remember to blend a lot though. Happy You really really must post the results as a project if you can, I'd love to see how this turns out!

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    i wish it would load on my computer! sadly it seems to either be locked in my region or my spyware blocker has decided it'll kill my computer with fire, though i seriously doubt anything is wrong with it...

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    Here are the things I've learned to maintain color it a long time.

    Conditioner does not strip color but almost all shampoos will, especially semi perm/temporary dye, and "color saving" shampoos often contain sulfates. Sulfates will strip color. this is highly unavoidable so let's move on to the best way to combat this.

    Putting color in your conditioner is a great idea, but remember to still treat it like conditioner and mainly apply it to your ends.

    Never allow your hair to be in warm water or direct sunlight. Totally awesome, means you can invest in cute retro headscarves!

    Wear a shower cap when you don't need to wash your hair but still have to shower.
    When washing your hair, keep the water cold the whole time.

    Every time you get out of the shower after applying your color conditioner, the hairs cuticle will be open and still able to lose this added color. Blow dry and if possible straighten your hair(never straighten it while wet though, blow dry first) ASAP, this will heat seal the cuticle and allow it to hold on to the color better.

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