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Posts by Darling Chelsea
Okay so I was really really hesitant to try them when I recently heard about them in Cosmo, but I'm really glad that I did.
I HATE tampons and pads. Tampons make my cramps worse and pads are just gross. Not to mention I have to buy three different types of things to last me for my week every month.
Well anyway, I found Softcup and for 5.69 I got 14 disposable cups. Now they have reusable ones for your entire cycle...
I just want you girls to know how awesome they are. They really are life changing and give such a freedom! I highly, highly recommend. Not to mention how much you cut down on waste and the plethora of health benefits!
Okay so I was really really hesitant to try them when I recently heard about them in Cosmo, but I'm really glad that I did.
I HATE tampons and pads. Tampons make my cramps worse and pads are just gross. Not to mention I have to buy three different types of things to last me for my week every month.
Well anyway, I found Softcup and for 5.69 I got 14 disposable cups. Now they have reusable ones for your entire cycle...
I just want you girls to know how awesome they are. They really are life changing and give such a freedom! I highly, highly recommend. Not to mention how much you cut down on waste and the plethora of health benefits!
I love the Crash Bandicoot games! And Dr. Mario!
Rugrats, Sailor Moon, Hey Arnold, Courage the Cowardly Dog and Catdog!
You could always try http://www.mood.com
I would focus on a sheer white fabric, white lace and a lightweight white sort of satin. And I'd get red too for the bows and the belt. And you have to get the little buttons for the back of the dress. And you should probably also get white tulle for the skirt to be full.
I have bleached bangs and I color them with Manic Panic. The pink washes out too quick (after one wash I have to color it again). But the blue lasts foreverrr.
I used to do all of my piercings myself. Yeah it was stupid but I was also 16 and there was no way my mother was going to take me to get it done professionally. I did all of my oral piercings (monroe, snakebites, smiley), I pierced my own ears and I pierced my own nose. However, my body doesn't accept cartilage piercings well so I have had to go back to a shop and have them correctly pierce my nose with the right jewelry and give me advice.
I've never run into any problems with my lips.. They are the best piercings I've ever had. I hardly have to clean them and I can take them out for over a week and they will still be fine. However! My monroe started to erode my gumline after 4 years. Nobody told me that those don't last very long... It made me sad :/
My boyfriend however, is a total baby. He cried when I pierced his ears (which is funny that hurt him but he gauged his ears up to 1"1/4 on his own). He freaked HIMSELF out when he went had his nose pierced. He's skittish around needles too, but the pierces are professionals and they know what they are doing and how to calm people down. After he took a few breaths, had some cold breeze on his face and a cold cola he was totally fine!
If it's just the thought of something going through your skin are you not weird about your earrings? I've had my lip pierced a couple of times and I did them myself. I found it a lot easier for me to calm myself down and actually go through with it.
The hollow needles piercers use tend to freak me out a little. I have my bottom naval done and I've had my hip pierced and those made me feel weird. I don't like to turn my jewelry and I can't even replace the jewelry myself, I have to get someone else to. But I am only that way with my bottom naval and hip.
I think you should just try to wear the fake lip rings. Tease yourself and sort of push the end into your skin a little. If you can handle that no problem then I think you should go through with it.
Def go with the insert til you can get a reduction
haha no! I loved my grandparents, they took care of me until they both passed away. But they let themselves get brainwashed by their preacher. I mean, they let me wear jeans and play with boys and watch certain disney movies. But I totally get where you are coming from!
My mom is religous but she gets into her fits too.
haha I know it's ridiculous but that's how I am :/
I grew up under my Nanny and Poppy's house and they were pretty strict and religious so I wasn't allowed to watch anything remotely considered scary or ungodly so I missed out on a lot of movies... I couldn't read Harry Potter or the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe until my Nanny passed and I was shipped off to live with my mom. But my boyfriend has made it a point to get me into everything that I missed out on. So I actually have Labyrinth! He found it at Goodwill, asked if I had seen it, scoffed when I told him no and shoved it toward checkout.
I cannot watch the cruelty to animals awareness commercials, every time I catch a glimpse it's instant water works.
I think I should explained a little more. I don't want to stay with him just because it'll be three years. I love him and I know he loves me. He's just dumb. But if he knows I'm serious about something, he does try to fix it. He isn't abusive in any way, just inconsiderate sometimes but I can't say much because I know I'm that way too sometimes. I appreciate the concern though.
Since I was pretty much in Pampers I have been attached to animals and I hate, I mean HATE to see an animal hurt. Beauty and the Beast for example. Think back to when the Beast is fighting off the wolves, well when they start making that yelping noise, I tear up!
So it's pretty much always been like that... And a week ago my boyfriend and I were watching the Dark Crystal (I'd never seen it before but it was one of his favorites as a kid). Alright, we are watching this movie and Kierra (or whatever) calls over these um... Landstrollers? And they agree to take her and whatever his name is to the castle to destroy the crystal. Well they're almost at the castle and they are attacked. This bitch Kierra jumps off one and leaves the landstrollers to fend for themselves and they get killed Well that pissed me off. My boyfriend thinks its kind of funny and tells me no other creatures die. So I agree to watch the rest.
Towards the end, this cute little almost dog thing that Kierra has tries to help her and that guy from this Skexy thing. And this Skexy tosses Fizzgigg (the cute dog thing) into a fiery pit of doom and that little bitch and her bitch friend do nothing about it. Poor Fizzgigg :'( So I start complaining hardcore like I usually do. "What a bitch! I swear, if someone tried to throw my dog into a pit of fire you best believe I'd smash their face into a bloody pulp! She better do something! Go in there after Fizzgigg! Fizzgigg risks his life for her and she's not going to even shed a tear!" and my boyfriend is laying next to me chuckling up a storm. "It's so cute that you love animals that much but it's just a movie!" I know, but I can't help it. Even if it's a cartoon I get so sad!!
Thankfully at the end of the movie though Fizzgigg is alive, he's like clinging onto this pole thing for dear life and is saved by Agra? I was like "YESSSS! FIZZGIGG IS ALIVE!"
I'm probably pissing off the Dark Crystal fans but that's how I am! I can't be the only person out there that's like that though, right?
He wouldn't ever hit me, I know that. Other than the whole thing that happened a few days ago, he really is a good boyfriend. That's why it took me by surprise. He's always taken me where I needed to go, he's actually the one who taught me how to drive and he has always been so supportive. It was just really strange for him to do that when he's never done it before. But he's making it all up to me now and he's doing a pretty good job. I appreciate the concern though!