Posts by Alix Marie Abram

    no photos at all will load for me Happy I've tried to upload several projects and nothing happens! I've tried clicking the upload photo button (it just comes up with a thin white box) and dragging the photo in (it just disappears) help!!

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    thank you! and yes, there will be photos Happy x

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    I'm a part of an amateur dramatics society in Kidderminster (The Rose Theatre) and I have done the costumes for the youth groups first big production! It's called Mr A's Amazing Maze Plays, and it's perfect for a younger audience. the only problem is, tickets haven't been selling as well as we hoped, and it would be such as shame if only a few people see how much work the kids have put into this!
    I just wanted to tell you in case any one would be interested. it's showing on the 19th and 20th of June.
    thanks, Alix Happy

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    yep, upload failed :/

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    I cant seem to upload photos for my new projects!?!?!?!

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    yeah, but they don't have the amount I need :/

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    I'm doing costumes for a theatre production and there's been talk of Hot air balloon fabric! does anyone who lives in the UK know where I could get some from?

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    for college I designed a top where the neckline/collar is a ammonite! the problem is I have no idea how to make it 3D like my design... I've only thought of wire, stuffing or just spray starch. any ideas would be great! thanks!!

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    Thanks, is there a special knot to tie it?

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    I have a wax cord adjustable necklace, and even on the smallest length, its still too big!!
    I was just wondering whether anyone knows how I can adjust the cord length without damaging it?
    any help would be great, thanks Happy

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    from Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland:

    "have I gone mad?"
    "yes, I'm afraid so, you're completely bonkers! but I'll tell you a secret, all the best people are."

    I find this so inspiring!

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