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Level 75 Best Friend
these little fellows are samples of the Scrapkins dolls i infrequently and randomly make.
i think i've done four or five so far. they usually wind up finding homes with my friends or friend's kids. it's hard to tell who enjoys them more.
they are usually named for the kind of material, or a prominent quality of said material, from which they spawn.
the one with the 70's color palate is Curtkins (top photo), as he was made of curtains. he found a home with my friend Mac.
the black one is Lintkins (second photo down), made of black felt, and prone to collecting lint. she was adopted by my buddy Aeo's daugter (who, i've been told, freaks out when she doesn't have it. fwahahaaa)
the blue one, the original prototype and common ancestor of all of Scrapkin-kind, is Scraps (third photo down: one minute old :3). about four years ago i took him with me on a plane ride (bottom picture: buckled in for safety)up to MD to visit my future wife. we went out for coffee the day after my arrival and met a wandering and lonesome homeless man, who, after to promising to take good care of him and go on many adventures, became Scrap's new traveling companion.

fun fact: during the first attempt to make Scraps, my wife's hand held sewing machine took off in a wild frenzy across the fabric and scared the hell out of me so all of the stitching is done by hand.

Posted by misterjosh from Atlanta, Georgia, United States • Published See misterjosh's 5 projects »


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CO + K User

These are awesome! Now I have a neat idea of what to do with all my weird buttons and scraps left over from mods! Wee Happy
misterjosh · Atlanta, Georgia, US · 5 projects
glad to have inspired! =^-^=
misterjosh · Atlanta, Georgia, US · 5 projects
added a picture of the parts layout and the corresponding pile of templates (made out of graph paper and 'laminated' in packing tape) in case you were curious about that sort of thing.
things i realized through trial and error that may save you time: the tightness of the weave and the need for a hem on a given scrap were inversely correlated, exemplified by the stitching almost lost when stuffing curtkin. the best tool i used to stuff the tiny little limbs was simply a thin mixing straw with two "V" cuts opposite each other on one end. attach eyeballs before ears; that way, you can put a big ole knot on the end of your string, enter the fabric where the ear will cover, and be secure in the knowledge that at least the eyes will stay on, even if everything else falls off. don't worry about poking holes in the templates. mis-pairing arms and legs looks ridiculous. leave enough room for 2-3 fingers between the first and last stitch to ease turning things inside out. turning arms and legs inside out is a pain in the tookus, but made easier with the eraser end of a pencil.
pro-tip: for a touch of practical functionality, add an internal pouch with a zipper to the back, and a "leash" key-chain attachment.

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