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Something to do with those fairy wings that have holes and look all tatty!!!
My daughter had a pair of fairy wings that were looking a little worse for wear, they had holes and ladders in them... I couldnt bear to throw her wings away... and I also had a leopard tee that had a hole in it which I also couldnt bear to throw away. So I combined the two and beautiful custom fairy wings were the result!!

Posted by Witchy from New Zealand, Prince Edward Island, Canada • Published See Witchy's 42 projects »

  • Step 1

    First, rip off all the fabric off the old wings, keep the middle bit that holds them together and set it aside.

  • Step 2

    Now there should be 4 pieces of wire, take each piece and place them on the tee, for each piece of wire, cut 2 pieces of tee quite smaller than the wire (as it will stretch over it. Once you've cut all 8 pieces move on to the next step.

  • Step 3

    Sew each pair of pieces together, leaving a small gap to turn the right way out and to feed the wire into. Turn all pieces the right way out.

  • Step 4

    Insert all the wires and sew up the little gaps with a needle and thread.

  • Step 5

    Using scraps of the tee, make the middle piece (just sew 2x rectangles together and turn right way out, sew up little gap with needle and thread.

  • Step 6

    Hand sew wings in place onto each other, then attach the middle piece by handsewing.

  • How to make a wing. Revamping Old Fairy Wings - Step 7
    Step 7

    Reattach the elastic used for the arm holes and decorate the wings using various embellishments.... Then you're done.

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Witchy · New Zealand, Prince Edward Island, CA · 43 projects
lol... no those are fluro/neon plastic thingees that I sewed on Happy
Shelby S.
Shelby S.
i only clicked on this cuz i thought u made light-up wings.... sad facee.... lol but good idea anyhoo

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