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Soft cuddly way of teaching the food chain!
I gave my 2 year old nephew this really cute book for his birthday. He liked the story so much he had me read it 3 times in a row! I figured we could have even more fun with an interactive version of the book. I decided to make a set of "nesting" fish, I googled around didn't see this idea anywhere, but it's so simple I am sure it has been done.

I forgot to take a picture once they are all "eaten" but they all fit inside the big purple fish.

I only used:
Embroidery floss
Googly eyes
& Fabric glue
small bit of cotton to stuff the smallest fish

This project was very cheap, around $3 since I had everything except the felt. The time is a guess since I worked on it between school and work.

Posted by Felecity W. from U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, United States • Published See Felecity W.'s 82 projects »


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