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Just in time for the previews of the movie celebrating the father of modern fantasy: Tolkien
This was a really fun project, it combined one of my favorite thing to draw: Fantasy with an old interior decorating phase from my childhood. When I was little me and my family used to watch Extreme Makeover: Home edition. I was always blown away by how awesome they made every room, and being a little kid I was even more blown away by the kids rooms. So much I would draw rooms decorated based on a certain theme for a made up child, lol. That was an awesome phase.

I loved designing the exterior of my hobbit home almost as much as I love drawing the inside.
Basiclly if I were to find this hobbit hole in real life with the features I drew in it (a fireplace, a drawing or crafting area, a window seal bed, with a built in library, master bathroom, and so on) i’d but it in a heart beat even if it left me broke. Why? Because it’s a freakin hobbit hole! Who doesn’t Wanna live in a home created by and or inspired by Tolkien!

Posted by Kin Dragon from Denton, Texas, United States • Published See Kin Dragon's 544 projects »


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