
So last night my boyfriend asked if we could go as an Angel and a Knight a'la Romeo and Juliet.

This is pretty much going to be an easy DIY for his chain mail and my dress but I am completely stumped on how to make the shoulder armor and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me.

Funnily enough Josh and I went as Romeo and Juliet on our first halloween together.

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9 replies since 28th September 2011 • Last reply 28th September 2011

Is papiermache/ cardboard covered in aluminium foil too kindergarteny???

Alternatively, cut panels from tin sheet (or old tin bucket), smooth/sand edges & bend to shape?
If you felt the edges were still kinda sharp/rough, you could edge them with thin strips of duct tape (kinda like bias binding on a hem or neckline).

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I was thinking Junk yard shopping for the curved metal part that goes over a motor cycle wheel. Sliver spray paint over a cut plastic bowl, cups and things of that nature would probably work too.

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craft foam can be heated and molded into shape then painted with a paint/glue mixture then paint on the 2nd layer.

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Try the paper mache'/ plaster of paris covered muslin strips you can buy in the craft store. If you molded the plaster strips to his form, when they dried you would be able to modify and spray paint the final project. If you could find screws to drill through the plaster it would make it look more realistic. Make sure you use ALOT of Vaseline before you apply the plaster strips taking them off hurts otherwise.

This may help you with the chain mail!

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Ok tell me if I am completely nuts with this idea- would silver lame lined with a very stiff interfacting work? I'm way more comfortable with sewing than with plaster and paper mache'

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That's a cool site felecity- although I'm thinking of just going with the spray painted sweater route- I'm sure my boyfriend plans on drinking and I don't want him to be too uncomfortable.

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Doh!!! Of Course THAT would work
*kicks herself for not suggesting it in the first place....

If you used iron-on stuff and backed a front & back piece then fused them together, it would be REALLY stiff and you could try moulding it into shape while it was still warm from being ironed.

I know it's on a smaller scale, but the stand up collar on this:
was two layers of fabric with one layer of heavy fusible lining inbetween and it had quite a bit of substance to it.

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Awesome. I just keep thinking about how my boyfriend tends to do stuff like heavy make up and then he gets annoyed with it half way through and takes it off so I want it to be as comfortable as possible for him so he can drink and party and not have to worry about taking anything off.

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Please say you used wonderflex for the armor? i just found this post, and wish someone would have said much easier!

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