

i'm minette..i like to sew, doodle..drinks lots of tea, well i am english! i'm pretty much a craft junkie...i've a degree in fashion + textiles which i finished last year and have worked full time ever since so i'm trying to get back the creative-ness!!
i love making bags, but i am trying to reach out to all crafts + try anything at least once.. i can knit a bit (scarves mainly) so at the moment i'm knitting scarves to put in the operation christmas child boxes, but that's just one of a number of projects i've got up my sleeve!! i can't wait to get started on all the projects here <3

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LilyFantastico! · London, GB · 20 projects
right now I'm working on a few boombox monster plushies...
I guess I like the whole idea of gremlins in the machinery. lol
I hope to sell them on my etsy store, I set it up like a year ago & have never got around to actually putting anything on there.
how about you, are you working on anything now?
LilyFantastico! · London, GB · 20 projects
hey, I'm pretty good thanks...
how about you??

aww thanks, it's one of my favourite creations so far Happy