
I'm a wife and mother of two daughters. I've been married to my husband for 30 years. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 27 years old. Up to that point I felt so unloved and not worth anything to anyone in this world. When I moved to Holland I had a couple of people who showed me a true kindness and friendship and told me how much our Father up in Heaven loved me. I couldn't believe it, He really loves me. I seen through their friendship, God's love and scripture that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and everyone elses. There is no way to God except through Jesus' cruxifiction for us. For God loving us so much to have his son die for us, that to me is such an unfathomable love. I got down on my knees one day and gave him everything that was in my heart and soul. He took it and He has been with me ever since. He is always so faithful, even when I have turned away from him. He stands firm and still, it is always our choosing to turn away from him. We are not perfect and we live in a world of sin. My prayer is that everyone who reads this has that blessing of Love and friendship with our One and Only Heavenly Father.
Won't you ask yourself today, Where am I with my faith in God? If you seek for that love and friendship in your life won't you pray this prayer? "Jesus, will you come into my heart and forgive me for _______ . I want you as my Savior. Thank you for dying for me so I can have eternal life with our Father." He loves you and desires that everlasting true friendship with you. My dear friend, I love you and want you to know the joy, the love and the grace that God gives us so abundantly.

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