Snippets Issue 27 : The Geek Issue

Knits For Nerds

Win a copy of the geekiest knitting book ever!

Knits For Nerds

By Snippets

Joan of Dark a.k.a Toni Carr is back with a new book Knits for Nerds, which is filled with knitting patterns that every science fiction, comic book and fantasy fan will love. We've got three copies of the book up for grabs along with two sample projects including Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog Gloves and a Firefly Scarf.

[project:horrible-gloves] [project:cunning-scarf]

Here's more about the book:
"The best of science fiction, manga, and animaguiri meets knit one, purl two as knit siren and part-time roller derby girl Joan of Dark offers up an out-of-this-world assortment of knitting nerdiness inside Knits for Nerds. The patterns for 30 iconic clothing and accessory items inspired by popular TV shows, books, films, comics, and more—including Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Firefly—are presented alongside full-color photographs showcasing completed projects, such as Lieutenant Uhura's sexy Star Trek minidress, Hobbit feet slippers, Firefly-inspired scarf, socks, hat, and jacket, Tank Girl socks, Hermione Granger's secret beaded bag, Manga-inspired leg warmers, The Big Bang Theory-inspired his and hers sweater-vests and Lord of the Rings-inspired shrug."

Win a copy of the book:

We've got three copies of the book up for grabs and for your chance of winning, simply leave a comment below telling us what nerdy or geeky thing you'd love to knit?

Contest closes: October 10th.

Congratulations to FreyaShawk, Fugulicious and Kat.


I've dreamed for years of knitting a big blue coat or cardigan covered in an accurate map of the solar system, with a stitched map sign saying "you are here" pointing to planet earth. I haven't had the time or patience to make it yet but might have to get my nan involved, bless her.x
I'd love to make a plush Big Daddy (BioShock)
Beer cozy, dog sweaters, hats, toaster cozy, bathing suits, voodoo dolls, and roadkill animal dolls.
A cute Yoda hat for my baby nephew, and a Cthulhu beanie for her mum. Green green nerdy family!
I would love to knit a Link costume from the Legend of Zelda series. Yes, his entire outfit, from tunic to boots to his hair. Then, I would put on makeup to give myself a doll like appearance, so I would be like a ragdoll hero of time. Being a small female, I would then find a much larger person to dress up as Ganon (in an equally large sized set of footie pajamas) and then carry me around. Who says the Prince of Darkness doesn't also enjoy sleeping with a small stuffed Link?
I'd love to knit any of the Star Wars characters, but especially Han Solo. So far I've only knit a Tie-Fighter cushion cover.
I'd love a pattern for a spock/vulcan hat. I've seen them on the interweb, but i can't figure it out
Knit any geeky thing you say...umm how about a Superman onesie! OMG yep soo want that! I'd wear it everywhere, under my clothes, uniform, swimwear, in the shower...umm too far? But whenever I do wear it, I'd just feel absolutely super anywhere I go.
I would definitatly be knitting up the entire cast of Dr who!!!
I need yoda ears for my little manHappy
Knit any geeky thing you say… um how a bout a superman onesie! OMG yep soo gonna do that. I’d wear it everywhere, under my clothes, uniform, swimwear, in the shower…umm too far? but whenever I do wear it I’d just feel absolutely super anywhere I go.
Knit any geeky thing you say… um how a bout a superman onesie! OMG yep soo gonna do that. I’d wear it everywhere, under my clothes, uniform, swimwear, in the shower…umm too far? But whenever I do wear it I’d just feel absolutely super anywhere I go.
Even though i can't knit at all (but i would loved to) are a few scarves for the winter time especially when the fall/winter are coming very soon and a cute hat for Toni Carr! i adore Toni Carr's book! i loved it :3 GAHH
My MIL is a champion knitter and a nerd. She wrote a letter to the network to keep Star Trek on the air! The original Star Trek. We're a little to old to wear the Uhura mini dress but, the LOTR shurg sounds cute. This book would make a great companion to the Christmas gift of Firefly. Win-Win!
I would totally knit a lightsaber and Hermione's beaded bag!
I would love to make a Godzilla head in a variety of green, textured yarns
with a wire armature frame to knit over. I would put in glass eyes and hang it
on the wall.
My adult son just introduced me to Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, so I would love to make Penny's gloves for his girlfriend!
I'd love to make some sci fi amigurumi
I would love to have a collection of homemade amigurumi aliens (I already have one) and also want amigurumi cthulhu.
I would love to knitt tank girl socks and the manga leg warmers.
I have just become a Great Aunt,my first&of course the first of any of my sister's&yes I am speaking of my only daughter when I address this issue. But anyways I truly find it awesome she being the first it is only befitting for her to experience motherhood first,not to mention I am entirely to young to be a grandmoms. Anyways the geekiest&dorky item I would like to knit would definitely be a whoobie for Baby James Riley which I have my own nickname which is Baby Bagel,long story will one day explain it. If I could possibly win this book I am pretty sure I will be able to complete his whoobie because the women who made all the kids in the family has passed away&would love if I could be the one to knit his whoobie&save the day. Trust&beliebe I am k own for beo g the irresponsible Aunt&mother. Ur my daughter graduated from Cabrini receiving one of Cabrini's highest honors Cum Lade w/a GPA 98.9. & I am the cool Aunt who slept out my one daughter, my nieces nephews&all of them with @least a couple friend on Broad&Vine just to get the good seats then bring all of them to the concerts, never hurting or losing any of them but I still get no respect cause I am easygoing &could care less what anybody else's think as long as the kids/young adults are having fun.good enough for me. But just this once I'd love for them to see I am capable of responsibilities, but unlike that means to most people which seems to make people haters I don't understand cause it will make me feel so proud to continue this family tradition cause the tradition rocks but to also thank-Our Beautiful Aunt Ag for starting such a wonderful tradition for our family no matter the pressure,strain,cost,time away from family, Aung Ag you always had family pride&hopefully I can continue it in your honor

OMG I've wanted a Princess Leia hat for AAAAAGES!!!
I would amigurumify every Buffy the Vampire Slayer character ever. That may be my new project. Long term of course!
I just love to knit the outfit on the cover, for i am a huge star wars fan and i am giong to a sci-fi comic festival soon and i sure whant to show of that awesome outfit!!. Greets Linda K
I love the horrible gloves and all my friends would too! we will be nerdy and warm, but i dont like Hermione's bag, and something skyrim for me and my boyfriend Happy
I will have to make the manga legwarmers for my little sister, but I would make Hermione's bag for my self!
I had the pleasure of meeting Joan of Dark at GenCon in Indianapolis, IN this summer and taking one of her knitting classes - it was a lot of fun!
I would love to knit the 4th Doctor's scarf from Doctor Who. I've always wanted to do it and it's on my list for this winter.
I really want to knit a Cthulhu ski mask. =^_^=
Well, I would make the Doctors or Captain Malcolms coat. It would be awesome. Then I would make River Tam's sweater from serenity and everything would be warm and wonderful.
I'd like to make some hair bows, like the kind the cute anime and manga characters wear.
I have a friend who is a major Star Wars fan, (like, almost unhealthy, but whatever) and I think she would hurt me if she knew that knew of the existence of that princess Leia hat and hadn't made it for her yet.
I would love to be able to knit the Firefly scarf to go with my steam punk costume.
Something about Dr. Who! Thanks
I'd love to make the aim to misbehave sweater jacket
I've already made several Daleks, an Adipose and a few other Who related items and want to make a pair of gloves like Penny's from Dr. Horrible and Serenity from Firefly. I absolutely love the Aim to Misbehave jacket and Mr. Nancy's hat in Knits for Nerds.
I need to knit Hermione's bag for myself, the Tank Girl leg warmers for one daughter, Jayne's scarf for the spousal unit and several other bits and pieces for other family members. Are you kidding? This is the world's most perfect knitting book! I've already checked it out from the library twice!
I would knit the scarf from firefly and the super manga leg warmers and pretend to be River and kick some reavers bootahs!!!! KICK ALL THE REAVERS!!!
Im a huge Firefly fan so I would be making one of them as soon as humanly possible!! What a cool book, thanks for this great giveaway!
I crocheted a hobbit a while ago! His curly hair was the best! I'd LOVE to do a crocheted/knitted Smaug or Balrog!
I think you just solved everything for my Christmas gift list!
Oh the many geekilicious and nerdy things I dream of knitting, things like a cthulhu beanie, a TARDIS tea cosy and a ram horn helmet for the skyrim gamer nerd. In regards to this book I'd probably make everything from front cover to back then back through again making a variant on each. Happy
i love the super manga leg warmers but I know some friends who would love the firefly scarf and tank girl socks as christmas presents Happy
i would love to knit dr-who scarf and learn how to make a daleks amigurumi it would make my day.. this book seems very interesting id love to see all the nerdy knit in there lol
I would absolutely love to knit my own Hogwarts robe from Harry Potter! It would be a cute and geeky way to stay warm during the winter.
I would absolutely knit a costume for myself and my son to wear to next year's Dragon*Con. I have been twice but haven't taken my son yet, he'll be 9 for his first trip next year. Exposing the boy to all things nerdy at a young age has paid off, he loves Star Wars as much as i do. I know there's gonna be some Star Wars goodness in that book from the cover so that's tops. But I gotta tell you, I nearly had a heart attack when I read that there's a pattern in there for Tank Girl socks- Tank Girl has been my hero (heroine?) since i was a tween. I am gonna knit the crap out of some Tank Girl socks and then I am going to wear then until they fall apart and then I'm gonna knit them again.
I would love to knit a costume for comicon maybe starwars themed or super hero themed. It would be way cheeper then buyng a costume and you get the added satisfaction that you made what you wore that day Happy

About Snippets

Snippets is the free online magazine from Cut Out + Keep featuring the best in indie & DIY.

Exploring the worlds of music, fashion, art & craft, our writers cover the things they love and we're always on the hunt for new contributors.

If you'd like to take part or just have an idea for a cool story we should cover, get in touch!