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Steampunk inspired skirt
Sorry I had such bloody trouble taking pictures of this. In the end just said, screw it, and work with what you got :)
I wore mine with a bustle just so you know my butt's not that big :D

Posted by susie from Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom • Published See susie's 114 projects »

  • Step 1

    Make a circle skirt waist but leave all the extra material, don't cut the hem into a circle, it'll be uneven and square-y but it's getting pinned anyway. I made mine 2 layers to get some nice movement.
    I had bought the belt for the outfit so I just did an elasticated hem (was a bit scruffy cause I'm a bit lazy that way!)

  • Step 2

    Once you've got your skirt on yourself, start pinning with safety pins all over hitching the different layers to make a pretty shape, you could probably never stop doing this but at some point you've got to stop yourself!

  • Step 3

    Once pinned, I sat my skirt over a stool, if you've got a dress form even better! Start sewing the safety pinned bits and unhooking the pins as you go (so you know which parts are sewn and which needs sewn at a glance)
    You'll end up repositioning as you got but be careful not to start sewing it too short, I narrowly avoided having a bum cheek on display.

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ninjaunicorn13 · 9 projects
Tartan Clan~
Black Watch
they are the queens army
susie · Glasgow, Scotland, GB · 154 projects
erm... I didn't think about it. Just liked the navy and green tartan. Find tatrans with red in them can sometimes look a bit tacky. Happy
harley r.
harley r. · 28 projects
looks very good Happy
susie · Glasgow, Scotland, GB · 154 projects
Thanks very much Happy x

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